JL Harstad Repo

I have created my own repository to host the packages that I create as well as some of the packages I found around the internet. Some of it is getting harder to find as the newer versions of Ubuntu and it's derivatives come and go.

One programmer's stuff that I particularly like is TheeMahn's. He is the Lead Developer of Ultimate Edition.

If you'd like to install my repo and try some of the available software feel free to download the .deb file.

jlharstad-repository.deb or browse the files if you prefer.

Method #1: Download the .deb package and save to your preferred location. Locate the file in your file explorer then RIGHT click and choose "Open With GDebi Package Installer"
(This should be the same on Ubuntu, Debian, and most other Debian or Ubuntu based distros.)

Method #2: If you're a terminal person then issue these commands. (Without the #)
# wget -O jlharstad-repository.deb https://lovinlinux.com/repo/jlharstad-repository.deb
# sudo dpkg -i jlharstad-repository.deb
# rm jlharstad-repository.deb
That should set it up...

Method #3: If you're really bored, open a terminal and issue the following commands. (Without the #)
# echo 'deb https://lovinlinux.com/repo /' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/lovinlinux.list
# sudo wget -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/lovinlinux.asc https://lovinlinux.com/repo/keyFile